2017, Number 3
Anencefalia, un hallazgo ultrasonográfico. Informe de caso
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 75-80
PDF size: 203.95 Kb.
Anencephaly is a congenital defect of the central nervous system determined by the absence of the bones of the cranium and brain tissue, its origin is multifactorial and it is mainly associated with deficiencies of folic acid; the diagnosis is made by ultrasound study. It is presented a female patient of 39 years old with obstetric history of four pregnancies, three natural deliveries at term and current gestation with late uptake in the last trimester, at 28 weeks, and a prenatal history of intestinal parasitism. She was diagnosed with anemia and, in an obstetric ultrasound, an encephalic deformity compatible with anencephaly was detected. She was referred for treatment, discontinuation and genetic counseling.REFERENCES
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