2017, Number 3
Factores asociados a la hepatitis C en pacientes dializados
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 24-30
PDF size: 161.41 Kb.
Introduction: in dialyzed patients, it has been observed a high incidence of hepatitis since the beginning of dialysis as a substitute treatment for renal function. In hemodialysis a prevalence of 13% is observed, with a high variability (from one to 70%). Objective: to determine the prevalence of hepatitis C and its associated factors in dialyzed patients. Method: a descriptive, cross-sectional study was performed; the universe of study consisted of the 169 patients who were under dialysis treatment. The variables studied were age, sex, time of dialysis, history of renal transplantation and dialysis method. Results: a prevalence of 36,7% was observed among the patients studied. As for sex the male (37,5%) was the most affected and by age group from 25 to 34 years (55,6%). Of 91,3% was the prevalence among patients with more than three years of dialysis treatment, of 78,6% among those who reported antecedents of renal transplantation and 38,7% in the case of patients receiving hemodialysis as treatment renal replacement. Conclusions: the time of treatment in hemodialysis was the factor of greatest association with hepatitis C infection in dialyzed patients.REFERENCES
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