2017, Number 3
Abuse of technology products at an early age: a non addressed problem in medical studies
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 155-170
PDF size: 121.87 Kb.
Background: the child lives in a social environment and its development depends on concrete socio-historical conditions, currently marked by the development of information and communication technologies.Objective: to show the need to include the impact of the abuse of technological products on the development of children at an early age, as a health problem in medical studies.
Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out at Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences, from January to December, 2015. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis, inductive-deductive and historical-logical; and empirical ones: surveys, participant observation, documentary analysis and mathematical statistics.
Results: affectations were detected in children younger than three years; among them: difficulties in language, restlessness, difficulty to comply with orders, aggressiveness and sleeping disorders. The review of medical education programs does not address this new phenomenon, it is proposed to be included in the undergraduate programs in Medical Psychology I and II, Philosophy and Society II, Health Promotion, Comprehensive General Medicine IV, Pediatrics, Psychiatry And Public Health. In the postgraduate in the specialties of Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Health Psychology and Neurology.
Conclusions: the consumption of technological products is frequent from the first months of life, which affects the childhood development, in relation to cognitive and additive aspects. It is necessary the inclusion of this subject in programs of several subjects to promote its introduction in medical studies.
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