2017, Number 3
Didactic-methodological actions for a meaningful learning of the subject Microbiology in Medicine
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 123.49 Kb.
Background: the teacher of biomedical basic sciences must apply didactic strategies to contribute to the development of a meaningful and developing learning.Objective: to design a system of didactic-methodological actions to develop a meaningful and developing learning in the Microbiology subject in the Medicine career at the Guayaquil University, Republic of Ecuador.
Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in the period from May to August 2016. The following theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis, inductiondeduction and the systemic approach, and empirical ones: documentary analysis, questionnaire to Students and survey and interview to experts were applied; and mathematics for absolute and relative values.
Results: it was found that in the teaching-learning process of Microbiology there is still a tendency for rote teaching, which is reflected in the evaluation. The students recognized that they have insecurity by identifying invariants, difficulties in applying knowledge to new problem-solving situations, and it was complex to establish relationships and to make summaries, so they copied verbatim from the text or from the teacher presentations, so didactic-methodological actions were elaborated to achieve a meaningful and developing learning that matches the contemporary demands of the 21st century.
Conclusions: they were evaluated by experts as relevant and with adequate scientificmethodological success because they are fundamental tools that contribute to a meaningful and developing learning in the Microbiology subject.
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