2017, Number 3
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salud publica mex 2017; 59 (3)
Prevalence of dental fluorosis in Mexico 2005-2015: a literature review
Aguilar-Díaz FC, Morales-Corona F, Cintra-Viveiro AC, de la Fuente-Hernández J
Language: English
References: 42
Page: 306-313
PDF size: 253.92 Kb.
Objective. To perform a literature review regarding current
dental fluorosis prevalence in Mexico reported from 2005
to 2015.
Materials and methods. A comprehensive
scientific literature review, in both English and Spanish, was
performed in four databases up to June 2015. Search terms:
fluorosis or dental fluorosis (mesh), prevalence (mesh),
distribution (mesh), cases (mesh), epidemiology (mesh),
Results. 17 publications were included. Reported
prevalence of dental fluorosis in Mexico ranged from 15.5
to 100%. Most of the studies were conducted in areas where
water fluoride levels are low or optimal (≤1.5ppmF) and in
which a prevalence of 15.5 to 81.7% was observed. In areas
with higher levels of naturally fluoridated water (›1.5ppmF),
prevalence ranged from 92 to 100%. Fluorosis severity ranged
from questionable to severe.
Conclusion. High prevalence
of dental fluorosis was observed even in areas where fluoride
concentration in water was low or optimal. In addition to
fluoride in groundwater, there are multiple risk factors that
should be controlled.
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