2017, Number 3
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AbanicoVet 2017; 7 (3)
Tests to identify resistant sheep to gastrointestinal parasites in San Pedro Lagunillas Nayarit
Salgado-Moreno S, Carrillo-Díaz F, Escalera-Valente F, Delgado-Camarena C
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 63-71
PDF size: 481.13 Kb.
The present work was carried out to determine the animals resistant to gastroenteric nematodes in
Pelibuey sheep. 40 naturally infected ewes without deworming were sampled every 15 days for a year.
The FAMACHA method was used to detect anemic animals when they were infested predominantly by
Haemonchus contortus, blood samples were taken to make microhematocrit and stool samples to
determine the existing parasites and the parasite load. The samples were processed in the Laboratories
of Parasitology and Clinical Analysis of the Academic Unit of Veterinary Medicine of the UAN. The values
of hematocrit, parasite load, body condition and FAMACHA score were used to determine the resistance
condition. It is concluded that the herd under study maintained a state of resistance to gastrointestinal
nematodes (70.5%) throughout the year. In addition, it was evidenced that during the seasons of the
year, the herd showed more sensibility in summer and greater resistance in Autumn-Winter.
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