2017, Number 3
Papillomatosis. Report of three cases
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 505-515
PDF size: 292.23 Kb.
Three cases of Papilomatosis are presented and diagnosed in the Educational General Hospital Dr Agosthino Neto of Guantánamo in the year 2012 .Ultrasound and mammographic characteristics are described and found in the cases and are compared with other authors' results. Emphasis is made on the concept, classification and imaginary discoveries after the valuation for the multidisciplinary team taking into account the behavior in each case from the point of view of the ultrasound and mammographic and probable diagnosis managed by doctors. It was carried out morphological study for a final diagnosis and knows sonographic characteristics opposing mammograms, as well as indications of clinical aspects and brief exhibition of imaginary discoveries of this entity.REFERENCES
González Ortega JM, Gómez Hernández MM, López Cuevas ZC, Morales Wong MM, González Folch R. Lesiones papilares de la mama. Presentación de una serie y revisión del tema. Revista Médica Electrónica [Internet].2008 [citado 5 Nov 2015]; 30(1):[aprox.8p.]. Disponible en: http://www.revmedicaelectronica.sld.cu/index.php/rme/rt/printerFri endly/478/html
González Ortega JM, Gómez Hernández MM, López Cuevas AC, Morales Wong MM, González Folch R. Lesiones papilares de la mama. Presentación de una serie y revisión del tema. Revista Médica Electrónica [Internet].2008 [citado 5 Nov 2015]; 30(1):[aprox.8p.]. Disponible en: http://www.revmatanzas.sld.cu/revista%20medica/ano%202008/vol 1%202008/tema09.htm
Castro Barba M, Cobos Bombardiere MP, Wernicke A, Lonegro N, Cravero C, Sarquis F. Manejo de las lesiones mamarias de alto riesgo diagnosticadas mediante biopsia percutánea. Rev Argent Radiol[Internet].2013[citado 5 Nov 2015];77(4):284-290. Disponible en: http://ac.els-cdn.com/S0048761913700206/1-s2.0- S0048761913700206-main.pdf?_tid=fffb549a-e4d4-11e6-af5d- 00000aacb360&acdnat=1485551596_f8b53f42710bcdbfe4e734b70e 171057