2017, Number 3
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RIC 2017; 96 (3)
Reductive mastoplastia for technique of Mckissock modified, with incision short-scar, close in L
Jiménez RW, Rodríguez GE
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 424-434
PDF size: 188.23 Kb.
The technique of reductive breast reconstruction that is presented in this
work is a modification of the technique of McKissock, with the purpose of
characterizing the results of this surgery that was carried out a
descriptive study with the experience of 48 patients operated during 8
years. The patients are between 15 and 39 years old. The technique has
a wide indication range (slight, moderate and big mammary
hypertrophies), extracting mammary volumes in one breast up to 1200
grams, obtaining satisfactory aesthetic results and minimum
complications. The author considers the use of the technique up to big
hypertrophies, achieving breast with good volume, good form,
symmetrical, stable and as novel aspect and small resulting scar, of
good quality, with absence of medial horizontal scar, without tension of
the skin to the suture and in form of L. As a conclusion the exposed
technique is a good option.
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