2017, Number 3
Educational intervention concerning oral health in Venezuelan adolescents
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 415-423
PDF size: 152.25 Kb.
An educational intervention was carried out in 50 students of the secondary school "Fernando Ramirez" Yaracuy, Venezuela - selected by random simple sampling from September 2014 to February of the 2015, in order to modify their knowledge concerning oral health. An oral exam was performed in the adolescents and a questionnaire was applied, before and after presenting the program of educational activities, achieving the motivation and the acquisition of the basic knowledge on the approached aspects. In the study, it was obtained that most of the adolescents ignored information about the oral hygiene and the diet to prevent tooth decay; so the development of educational activity was effective, because it's contributed to excellent results in the transformation of the knowledge concerning oral health.REFERENCES
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