2017, Number 3
Educational intervention on suicidal behavior
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 405-414
PDF size: 163.91 Kb.
An educational intervention was carried out with the aim of contributing to improve the management and follow-up of patients with suicidal behavior by the basic health teams of the popular council No. 8, belonging to the University Polyclinic "Asdrúbal López Vázquez" in the period January-December of 2013. From a universe of 30 basic health teams a sample of 20 was selected by the simple random method represented by 20 doctors and 20 nurses. We analyzed: knowledge of risk factors and vulnerable groups for suicidal behavior, duration of follow-up, discharge criteria, support networks and protection factors. The information was summarized in frequency distribution tables. There was a lack of knowledge about support networks and protection factors. The promotion, prevention and follow-up actions were selected by only 15 % of the staff. The knowledge acquired after the intervention in the aspects dealt with was satisfactory for all staff.REFERENCES
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