2017, Number 3
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AbanicoVet 2017; 7 (3)
Bacillus subtilis as a probiotic in poultry farming: relevant aspects in recent research
Medina-Saavedra T, Arroyo-Figueroa G, Herrera-Méndez C, Mexicano-Santoyo L
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 14-20
PDF size: 516.17 Kb.
The present article is a compilation of papers that show the use of probiotics as an alternative to the use
of antibiotics as growth promoters. The benefits of Basillus subtilis had been found in a wide variety of
environments and their use as a probiotic has been extensively studied. It has been shown that B. subtilis
as a probiotic is of safe use in the feeding broiler without negative effects on the environment. Others of
the relevant characteristics of B. subtilis are their action on the stability of the intestinal microbial by
reducing the presence of E. coli, Salmonella, and Coccidia, favoring the increase of beneficial
microorganisms and improving immunity by increasing IgA and IgG. Recent research has shown that B.
subtilis contributes to the reduction of levels of ammonia in excreta, the production of antioxidant
substances and the increase of digestibility because of the equilibrium of the intestinal ecology of birds,
it has also been found that xylanases producing B. subtilis have a similar effect to antibiotics in the small
intestine. Knowing the B, subtilis as probiotic represents to improve productive parameters and sanitary
conditions of the birds.
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