2017, Number 2
Morphometric changes in hypertensive cardiac autopsied adults
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 107-114
PDF size: 429.01 Kb.
Foundation: arterial hypertension is associated with considerably high morbidity and mortality rates. Structural changes of the heart appear which allow adapting its function to an environment of high tension, which leads to a disproportionate growth of its compartments.Objective: to determine the morphometric changes of cardiac viscera in autopsy patients who died of hypertension.
Method: a cross-sectional descriptive study was performed. The universe corresponded to all autopsied deaths older than 18 years with a diagnosis of arterial hypertension in the period from January 2014 to July 2015 at the General University Hospital "Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima" of Cienfuegos. The following variables were considered: sex, age, body mass index, time of evolution of hypertension, heart weight, thickness of the left and right ventricle, left atrium thickness and right and left coronary artery diameter. The information collected was processed in computerized form through the program SPSS version 11.5, for which a database was made. The results are presented in absolute and relative frequencies, using statistical tables and graphs, using means, medians and percentages for their development.
Results: cardiac morphometric changes were higher in autopsied hypertensive males, older than 50 years and with more than ten years of disease evolution, predominating in the left ventricle, stenosis in both coronary arteries and an increase in heart weight.
Conclusion: there is a relationship between cardiac morphometric changes in adult hypertensive patients autopsied with sex, age, body mass index and time of evolution of hypertension.
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