2017, Number 2
Therapeutic adherence in patients with arterial hypertension
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 81-88
PDF size: 259.48 Kb.
Foundation: arterial hypertension is the most common of the conditions that affect adult individuals’ health in the worldwide population.Objective: to determine the behavior of therapeutic adherence in patients with arterial hypertension.
Methods: a descriptive study was developed which allows coparing variables, in Health Area #2 "Cecilio Ruiz de Zarate" at the Cienfuegos province from April to May 2016. A simple random sampling was done for a sample of 27 patients. The studied variables were age, sex, scholarship, occupation, time of the disease duration and therapeutic adherence. The instrument to collect was a questionnaire for the evaluation of therapeutic adherence. The instruments were applied individually to each patient and the statistic analysis of the information of the information was done through the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences.
Results: the predominant groups were more than 60 year old year patients, the female individuals, and the highest of educational level, so as professionals. The time of disease evolution which predominated was more than 10 years. In addition individuals who present a partial treatment adherence predominated.
Conclusion: difficulties in complying medical indications are observed since a low percentage of patients totally to the medical treatment.
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