2017, Number 2
Periodontal disease in function of risk factors using a mathematical model
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 171-177
PDF size: 298.45 Kb.
Introduction: periodontal disease occupies the second place both by its prevalence as by its effects.Objective: to determine the probability of suffering periodontal disease according to the current risk factors and by means of a mathematical model.
Method: an epidemiological-analytical study of cases and controls was carried out, comprising ages from 15 to 59. The cases involved 772 patients and 357 controls, belonging to "Hermanos Cruz" University Polyclinic, during the period of one year. A univariate analysis of each of the variables with respect to periodontal disease was conducted using chi-square test of independence and Bartholomew test (in the case of ordinal variables). The univariate analysis of the explanatory variable (age) was performed by means of t-Student statistical test. The association was assessed through the independence test χ2 (chi square) for the qualitative variables, the Multiple Logistic Regression (MLR) was applied with a dichotomous response.
Results: periodontal disease is directly related to oral hygiene in this population with a coefficient of 3.9, followed by hygienic education (1.7), socioeconomic level (1.4), and schooling (0.9).
Conclusion: the probability of suffering from a periodontal disease in the population under investigation is significantly influenced by oral hygiene, health education, socioeconomic level and schooling. It is possible to predict the probability of the onset of periodontal disease in each one of the individuals of the population included in this study according to the aforementioned variables using a mathematical model.
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