2017, Number 1
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AbanicoVet 2017; 7 (1)
Productive response of fattening lambs to the supplementation with extract tannins
Bonilla-Valverde E, Flores-Aguirre L, Barajas-Cruz R, Romo-Valdez J, Montero-Pardo A, Romo-Rubio J
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 14-25
PDF size: 221.79 Kb.
To determine the effect of supplementation tannin extract level (TE) on feedlot performance finishing hair lamb, was realized one experiment with a randomized complete block design, in that were used 48 hair lamb (3/4 Katahdin x 1/4 Pelibuey) with average 70 ± (standard deviation) 5 d old SD and an body weight of 21.3 ± 3.23 kg SD during a period of 70 day. The treatments were: 1) diet formulated with corn grain, soybean meal and corn straw, with nutritional support according physiology requirement, without addition of TE (Control; n = 12); 2) control diet plus supplementation with 0.15 % of TE (TE 15; n = 12); 3) control diet plus 0.3% of TE (TE 30; n = 12); and 4) control diet plus 0.45 % of TE (TE 45; n = 12). Results were analyzed by ANOVA (P ≤ 0.05), and the influence of TE level on productive response was explored using polynomial contrasts. Average daily gain (ADG) and feed conversion (feed/gain ratio) was improved (P ≤ 0.05) with the diet supplemented with 0.15 and 0.30% of TE, and body weight last was higher (P = 0.05) in the lamb feeding with supplemented diets 0.15% TE. Quadratic response was observed (P ≤ 0.05) to the TE supplementation level; the regression analyses suggest that better productive response may be found with TE 0.2% supplementation level (R2 = 0.75; P ‹ 0.01). It is concluded, that intake of supplemented dietswith TE improved ADG and feed conversion, and the better performance it is obtained with 0.2 % of TE in the diet.
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