2017, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2017; 43 (2)
Factors associated to hip fracture in 'Dr Salvador Allende'clinical and surgical hospital
Rego HJJ, Hernández SCA, Andreu FAM, Lima BML, Torres LML, Vázquez MM
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 149-165
PDF size: 231.98 Kb.
Introduction: Hip fracture is one of the main causes of hospitalization in the
elderly and is associated to several risk factors.
Objective: To determine the factors associated to hip fractures in patients aged
over 65 years in "Dr Salvador Allende" hospital.
Methods: A case-control, analytical, observational and epidemiological study was
carried out in 2013 in patients with hip fracture. Selected demographic and clinical
variables were taken into consideration. Summary statistical methods and odds
ratio were used to estimate risk, and the logistic regression to assess the
confounding factors.
Results: The study included 196 cases and 392 controls. The variables associated
to hip fracture were age OR: 1.9; 95 % CI: 1.3-2.9; p= 0.001); race (OR: 4,2; 95
% CI: 2.3-7.6; p= 0.000); APP of hip fracture (OR: 4.1; IC 95 %: 1.5-11.1; p=
0.005) of falls (OR: 2.2; 95 % CI: 1.1-4.3; p= 0.020); blood hypertension (OR:
2.6; 95 % CI: 1.7-4.1; p= 0.000); present consumption of antihypertensive drugs
(OR: 4.4; 95 % CI: 1.5-12.8; p= 0.007), and antiangina drugs (OR: 0.1; 95 % CI:
0.1-0.9; p= 0.027).
Conclusions: Age, race, history of hip fracture, falls, blood hypertension, and
present consumption of antihypertensive drugs are the variables statistically
associated to increased risk of hip fractures. The consumption of anti-angina drugs
acts as protective factor.
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