2016, Number 3
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Rev Cub de Reu 2016; 18 (3)
Measuring the impact of using educational technology in higher education educational processes. A model proposal
Salazar CEH, Armas PWG, Romero RHH, Maldonado LAE
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 304-312
PDF size: 279.84 Kb.
Introduction: despite the social demands for the incorporation of educational technology in the literature review, there was no evidence of models that allow to measure the impact of using educational technology in higher education educational processes.
Objective: to propose a model to measure the impact of using educational technology in higher education educational processes.
Material and Method: in the period between April and October of 2016 the research was carried out in two stages - exploratory and qualitative; and 5 phases - selection, categorization and analysis of the reliability of the texts, determination of the model components and Preparation of the final proposal.
Results: a model was proposed that consists of 3 components: axes, dimensions and indicators. Three axes have been outlined that define the aspects to be measured once the model has been applied; three dichotomous dimensions - positive, intermediate and negative - have been formulated that guide the placement of university teachers in each of these areas, which determines their position in the corresponding axis and thus the distance that separates them from the ideal use of educational technology in the educational processes of higher education. A set of indicators associated with impact levels has been established to facilitate the establishment of such a position.
Conclusions: one of the problems that receives great attention at a regional and global level is the incorporation of ICTs, due to its great educational potential, in higher education. For this reason, it was necessary to highlight the gap between the social call to develop a teaching competence for using educational technology and the low impact of its use.
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