2016, Number 3
Reactive arthritis doe to Epstein Barr virus
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 287-290
PDF size: 89.38 Kb.
Masculine patient of 24 years of age, with antecedent of good health, health history homeof fever, pharyngitis, cervical lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly; 3 days afterwards, accompanies of, additive arthritis in right doll and left knee, and tenosinovitis of the fingers of the feet that took appearance of fingers in sausage, without obtaining favorable answer with indomethacin at doses of 150 mg daily more antibiotics; afterwards of the studies realized during two income, concluded like a reactive arthritis by virus of Epstein Barr, which confirm by virological studies in the Pedro Kouri Institute, with favorable answer to the steroids and the azulfidine.REFERENCES
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