2016, Number 3
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Rev Cub de Reu 2016; 18 (3)
An approach to teaching, assistance and rheumatological research in the eastern region of Cuba: Considerations from the First Territorial Meeting Reuma-Santiago 2016
Reyes LGA, Calisté MO, Bicet DE, Benítez CB, Martínez DB, Revilla IMI, Warton OR
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 238-245
PDF size: 422.28 Kb.
Introduction: we developed a working visit to the Eastern rheumatology teaching headquarters located in the Provincial Hospital "Saturnino Lora" with the assistance of delegates and guests from all over the territory in a great day.
Objectives: Our general objective was to participate in the Fifth Territorial Meeting of Eastern Provinces as a director of the Cuban Society of Rheumatology and its national group, specifically, to develop a fruitful exchange with rheumatologists in the region, to show our experiences, Teach and learn with this large group In Situ, and thus be able to assess the current measurement of the development of rheumatology in this region, the quality it has in attendance, teaching, and training of skills and knowledge among a rheumatologists, both In formation as once formed.
Methods: as a methodology we use as evaluation tools the curricular mesh of teachers, their knowledge about basic pedagogical aspects, skills, their experiences in teacher training, compliance and adherence to current training programs in higher education and in The field of rheumatology.
Results: this contact became a fruitful exchange and updating on several complex rheumatic pathologies attended at the service, case discussions and presentations by the students and teachers. A retrospective look at all that has been done and what remains to be done, as a good starting point for the improvement of the quality of the specialized medical services that day by day, is given to rheumatic patients from all the Eastern territory.
Conclusions: the quality of the services provided in the care, scientific and teaching order is remarkable in this hospital center in the care, teaching and research in rheumatology and there is interest in overcoming the present imperfections. Probably this service could be the reflection of what happens in the rest of the territory that composes it after the exchange with opinion leaders and experts. We need other visits to the rest of the territory to corroborate the impression we have.
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