2017, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2017; 89 (2)
Knowledge on child maltreatment in maltreated adolescents and in parents or tutors
Acosta MEC, Valdivia ÁI, Giletta PY
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 178-186
PDF size: 194.23 Kb.
Introduction: Child maltreatment is a universal multi-cause problem involving biopsychosocial factors that comprise the agressor's and the victim's characteristics, the environment and others not well-accepted causes.
Objective: To evaluate the knowledge on child maltreatment in adolescents admitted to hospital on account of injures or circumstances that may arouse suspicions of child maltreatment as well as in their fathers and/or legal tutors.
Methods: Descriptive and cross-sectional study of 50 adolescents who were hospitalized because of injuries or circumstances that aroused suspicions of maltreatment, which were later confirmed in their stay at "Juan Manuel Marquez" pediatric hospital from October 2013 to October 2014. They were surveyed and the collected data were entered into a database with Excel 2003, summarized and represented in statistical tables and expressed in the text. Summary statistics was used.
Results: Ninety percent of adolescents and 92 % of parents did not have any knowledge about child maltreatment. The identified types of child maltreatment were psychological in 36 % of cases, negligence in 22 % and physical in 20 %. Seventy and eight percent of adolescents and 84 % of parents did not have any perception of the maltreatment given or received.
Conclusions: knowledge about child maltreatment in adolescents and in their parents or tutors.
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