2016, Number 2
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2016; 45 (2)
Physical activity of police officers: a systematic review
Bernardo VM, Cascaes SF, Gonçalves FE, Bento GG, Zilch MC, da Silva R
Language: Portugués
References: 28
Page: 206-214
PDF size: 109.98 Kb.
Physical activity is an important aspect of human health, especially for people who
depend on the body and mind for good performance of their professional functions,
as is the case of the police. This study aimed to summarize the scientific literature
on the physical activity of police officers through a systematic review. Medline,
PubMed, CINAHL and SCOPUS databases were reviewed as well as articles
identified through a manual search. The search strategy included descriptors
related to physical activity and the police corps population, with no date or language restriction. The results showed there are incipient studies related to the
physical activity of the police corps. However, there was an inadequate level of
physical activity, as well as cardiovascular, orthopedic, social and emotional
consequences related to this population.
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