2016, Number 2
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2016; 45 (2)
Atherosclerosis and atherometric system
Hernández PYZ
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 183-194
PDF size: 170.58 Kb.
Introduction: Atherosclerosis is a disease that starts from the conception of man
and is the cause of several ailments, as those as cardiovascular and
cerebrovascular, responsible for a high morbidity and mortality worldwide. At
present, the best way to measure these lesions accurately is to use the
antherometric system on autopsies.
Objective: Update the knowledge of atherosclerosis and its risk factors, as well as
on the measurement of arterial lesions.
Method: A literature review was conducted using reference books, printed articles
and databases of PubMed, EBSCO, HINARI, LILACS and CUMED, searching until
2016 in English and Spanish.
Results: Atherosclerotic lesions occur in the arterial intima and, according to their
severity are divided in: adipose striae, fibrous plaques, and severe plaques. Its
pathogenesis is associated with endothelial lesions and is closely related to multiple
risk factors. The atherometric system by José E. Fernández-Britto Rodríguez et al,
from the Higher Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana, has made it possible to
measure arterial lesions in different sectors of deceased patients.
Conclusions: Atherosclerosis causes significant and different health problems that
occupy the highest place worldwide, so its exhaustive study is necessary applying
the atherometric system with important efficiency and it is irreplaceable until our
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