2017, Number 3
Inadequate Drug Prescribing in the Elderly with Metabolic Syndrome in the Family Medicine Unit no. 31
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 97-101
PDF size: 232.55 Kb.
Objective: to analyze the inadequate drug prescribing that exists in patients of 60 years or older with a diagnosis of metabolic syndrome, in the Family Medicine Unit (fmu) no. 31 of the Mexican Social Security Institute (imss). Methods: cross-sectional and descriptive study, patients were selected through randomized systematic sampling of 147 adults aged 60 years and older with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus type 2. Their electronic records and the medical notes of three months prior to the last consultation were reviewed in order to integrate the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome. It was registered the type and number of medicines taken, and inadequate prescriptions were determined, as well as the type and percentage of these prescriptions. Results: it was found, in 25% of the analyzed patients, inadequate prescribing in the use of diuretics without the presence of congestive heart failure (chf). It was also determined that almost one-third of patients with constipation took simultaneously calcium antagonists, which is contraindicated, since these drugs decrease the intestinal transit. In addition, the combined use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids) was found in hypertensive patients, which can influence in a poor control of the blood-pressure figures. Conclusion: this study demonstrated that inadequate or potentially risky prescribing occurs in nearly a third of the elderly. This is possibly conditioned by the poly-pathology arising from the ageing of population and by ignorance or lack of pharmacology updating, it is necessary to establish a feedback mechanism to enable doctors to perform a better prescription drug in the elderly.REFERENCES
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