2016, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Estomatol 2016; 53 (4)
Prevalence and sociodemographi aspects of dental anxiety to the dental treatment
Rodríguez CH
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 268-276
PDF size: 64.32 Kb.
Introduction: dental anxiety is a phenomenon that affects the oral health status,
hindering both patient management and the subsequent treatment adherence. In
Cuba this psychological disorder has been poorly known in the dental setting,
therefore, a great knowledge on the aspects related to its prevalence and
sociodemographic characteristics is of vital importance as a starting point for
further researches and for drawing of strategies in controlling this phenomenon.
Objective: to make a literature review on prevalence and sociodemographic
aspects of dental anxiety.
Methods: a review study was conducted, which included the literature published
from 2010 to June 2015. Eighty one papers were found from which some that
addressed anxiety in individuals with specific characteristics or some type of
disease were excluded and 53 were selected to be reviewed and finally 42 were
considered at the author´s criteria.
Data analysis and integration: the prevalence of dental anxiety manifests
generally in children and adults; moderate to severe levels are evident in most
studies with significant values. Age and sex are the most associated variables, it
tends to decrease with increasing age, and women express anxiety more freely.
Conclusions: dental anxiety is a psychological phenomenon affecting the world
population, with increasing tendency in women and young people. The educational
level and the marital status show ambivalent criteria with respect to this disorder.
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