2017, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Cardiol Cir Cardiovasc 2017; 23 (1)
Secondary prevention in patients with surgical myocardial revascularization
Estévez ÁN, Chacón BEB, Rivas EE, de la Noval GR, Paredes CÁM, Rivero MNN
Language: Spanish
References: 42
PDF size: 342.74 Kb.
Cardiovascular disease, in particular, ischemic heart disease is a serious and growing problem in the world population. Patients undergoing Surgical Myocardial Revascularization are at very high risk for other lifethreatening episodes of illness. Secondary prevention is an important and cost-effective element of the cardiovascular disease control strategy. The control of risk factors and tools provided by Cardiac Rehabilitation programs emanates as the key terms of this review.
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