2017, Number 3
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Rev Odont Mex 2017; 21 (3)
Restorative treatment of traumatic dental injuries. Report of three clinical cases
Uzcátegui QJV, Hernández AA, González PR, Ríos SE
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 185-197
PDF size: 1385.68 Kb.
Traumatic dental injuries (TDI) are very common, they are mainly originated from blows caused by objects or due to falls, sport injuries as well as injuries sustained during leisure activities and car accidents. Most cases involve anterior teeth, of which upper central incisors are more frequently affected. Andreassen’s TDI classification, sanctioned by WHO in 1978 in «International disease classification», is described here. When new technologies are incorporated into dental practice, computer-assisted design and computer-assisted manufacture (CAD/CAM) provide the restorative clinician with new treatment options, thus improving design and application of metal-free ceramic restorations, which, along last decade, have haven proven to provide suitable clinical performance. Three patients were treated at the Advanced Restorative Dental Graduate Program clinic. The first one sought treatment within the first 48 hours after TDI, in central and right lateral teeth; two patients exhibited TDI in one central incisor, the first one was a 28 year old male with a five year evolution of the injury and no previous treatment, the second case was a nine year old child who arrived having been subjected to root canal treatment, with a six month evolution.
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