2017, Number 2
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Correo Científico Médico 2017; 21 (2)
Presentation of a patient with ovarian ectopic pregnancy
Sánchez PL, Matos DJ,C, Córdova VNY, Leyva DA, Liy RYM
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 591-598
PDF size: 425.84 Kb.
Ectopic pregnancy is nowadays a worldwide health problem due to the incidence of pelvic inflammatory diseases caused by abortion, sexually transmitted diseases, the use of intrauterine devices and assisted reproductive techniques among others. A 38- year- old black woman came to the emergency room at the Margret Marquart Catholic Hospital of Kpando, Volta Region in Ghana with a history of vomiting, chills and abdominal pain. On physical examination, a tumor mass was found, that occupied a large part of the epigastrium, Douglas sack fundus, which was convex and painful. She has a personal pathological history of chronic anaemia and she was a carrier of HIV. She was admitted in the hospital and a laparotomy was performed. She was discharged after her satisfactory evolution.
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