2016, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2016; 19 (4)
The role of family and school in the formation of values
Lebrija ACK, Alamilla ME, León MR, Hermosillo GÁM
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1355-1380
PDF size: 853.99 Kb.
Values underline the basis of human relations and make up the
style of the behavior of peoples or Nations, and been the
interest for the study of psychology in the development of the
child. Some years the basic education has worried values within
classrooms teachings given the rising tide of violence now
experienced that has affected all areas of our society and
mainly family, therefore the purpose of this research was to
study the relation of values between the family and the primary
school. We designed a narrative device that told stories under
the theories of Bruner (1991) and his predecessors Piaget
(1995) and Vygotsky (1998), and was applied to 120 children
what studying in public and private schools. The results show a
constant evolution in the concept of values and differences
between schools.
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