2017, Number 2
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Rev Méd Electrón 2017; 39 (2)
Tumor of the carotid body.Concerning a case
Rodríguez GGM, Valentín GF, Rodríguez RJC, Artze AM
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 353-360
PDF size: 278.44 Kb.
The tumors of the carotid body are relatively uncommon and rarely diagnosed
before the surgical exeresis, their diagnosis is benign, but they are usually very
vascular and its extirpation is very difficult. These tumors have a slow growth and it
can evolve during years. The aim of this study is to present a case with a tumor of
the carotid body in the right lateral region of the neck. An increase of volume was
observed of approximately 4 cm, not painful, of gummy type and stuck to deep, asymptomatic plans, treaty in our institution during the year 2014. It was carried
out exeresis of the lesion, and the department of Pathological Anatomy reported
the reference diagnosis. The patient's evolution after 17 months has been
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