2017, Number 2
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Rev Méd Electrón 2017; 39 (2)
Pharmacovigilance in the program of Pharmacology of Medicine pre-grade studies
Santos ML, García MAJ, Ruíz SAK, Bofill GP, Valenzuela LK
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 179-187
PDF size: 58.93 Kb.
Introduction: Pharmacology is very wide as a science, and includes all the aspects
related with the drugs or medications. It is the scientific support of the therapeutics
that is taught in all the clinical subjects.
Objective: to identify the pharmacovigilance contents in the program of the
subject Pharmacology in the Medicine pre-grade studies.
Materials and Methods: descriptive, cross-sectional study stating the presence of
pharmacovigilance in the Pharmacology program of the Medicine pre-grade studies.
A methodology proposed for the documental analysis was used.
Results: the documental analysis showed that among the Pharmacology educative
aims are: to develop a conception, behaviour and performance contributing to the
training in the rational and scientific use of medications in all the levels of the
health care, with emphasis in the primary one. There are included the main groups
of substances tending to create dependence in people, and also the application of
the knowledge on the pharmacological bases of dependence and addiction. It was
stated the existence of medicinal plants and herbal medicines that could produce
adverse reactions or interactions with medications.
Conclusions: Medicine students should be trained on the principles of rational
prescription before participating in medical care. Studying medications security
from the point of view of their consumption may have both, beneficial and harmful
effect. The last ones reveals in adverse reactions that may appear always when
there is exposition to a medication.
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