2017, Number 1
Basics of a tool system for knowledge management in medical education
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 70-80
PDF size: 273.41 Kb.
Introduction: information and knowledge society provides evidence to the emergence of a new civilization and an economy that is based not on material resources, but on the construction of new challenges, facilitated by unlimited accesses and distribution of information, aimed at strengthening knowledge construction taking advantage of these opportunities.Objective: to support the design of a system of tools for the management of pedagogical knowledge from the integration of technologies.
Method: materialist dialectic, using methods of the empirical level: surveys, group interviews, historical-logical, expanding from the abstract to the concrete, analysis and synthesis.
Results: the results of this survey showed that indicators 2, 3 scored as very adequate, and 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 were adequate, so that these results support the validity of the methodological strategy.
Conclusions: the integrated system of tools for the management of pedagogical knowledge is based on the relationship established between the formative agents of pedagogical knowledge and the institutional pedagogical memory, revitalized by MOODLE, and as a dynamic organizational foundation of the pedagogical process of knowledge management.
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