2017, Number 1
Quality control in blood bank Hospital 'Abel Santamaría Cuadrado'
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 25-34
PDF size: 383.90 Kb.
Introduction: The safety of blood products depends to a large extent on blood donor selection and the reliable performance of laboratory tests.Objective: To evaluate the results of the laboratory tests in the quality control in the blood bank.
Methods: a descriptive and cross-sectional study that was carried out including the data obtained from the registers of donation, reception and releases of blood batches from january 2014 october 2015 at the Department of Blood Bank belonging to "Abel Santamaria Cuadrado" General Teaching Hospital. The results of the initial screening of infectious markers, laboratory examinations carried out following the quality assurance of the components obtained and the non-compulsory loss within the process were evaluated.
Results: 8079 donations were processed, predominantly male (93.7%). 3.3% of donors were rejected for low hemoglobin, 2% for positivity in initial screening for hepatitis C antibodies as the most common cause. Laboratory tests were performed on 4.7% of the total annual production; the most studied component was concentrated erythrocytes for 2.1%. There were variations in the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes in the platelet and plasma concentrate, lipemia predominated as non-obligatory low.
Conclusion: to emphasize the systematization of promotion work to reach voluntary blood donation, the quality of blood donor selection, food education and the systematic screening of donors to improve these results.
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