2017, Number 1
Prevalence of renal congenital defects in Pinar del Río during the period 2009-2014
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 7-12
PDF size: 301.00 Kb.
Introduction: renal congenital defects occur with a high frequency, where prenatal ultrasonography techniques play an important role in detecting, localizing and characterizing these abnormalities.Objectives: to describe the prevalence of renal congenital defects in Pinar del Río province during the period 2009-2014.
Method: a retrospective observational study was conducted on the diagnosis of renal congenital defects in Pinar del Río province during the period 2009-2014. The sample consisted of 103 pregnant women diagnosed with a renal defect.
Results: the overall prevalence rate was 23.9 per 10 000 births, 2011 showed the highest rate in the period, with 37.6 per 10 000 live births. The municipalities that occupied the first place were San Juan y Martinez with 40.6, La Palma with 32.1 and Pinar del Rio with 30.7 per 10 000 births. Among renal defects the most frequent was hydronephrosis with 46.6% of the total analyzed.
Conclusions: ultrasonography is a useful technique in prenatal diagnosis, since it allows the diagnosis of fetal congenital defects of the renal system. The stable trend in relation to the number of cases diagnosed responds to the stability and the technical training of the personnel performing the ultrasonographic study in the genetic service of the province.
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