2017, Number 1
Instrument for the evaluation of the organizational climate in health care
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 57-67
PDF size: 86.90 Kb.
Introduction: The need for developing the capacity of change management required to respond to the society´s demands requires instruments to meet these objectives.Objectives: To show the design of an instrument to measure the organizational climate in health institutions.
Methods: Development research study in the field of organization, efficiency and quality of the health systems and services. Eleven public health experts participated in the construction process, which had three phases: definition of dimensions, identification of dimensions, categories and criteria, and preparation of the instrument based on the drafting of 50 subparagraphs and known as Segredo´s evaluation of the organizational climate in health.
Results: The instrument was structured in two blocks, the first included general data of subjects and the second one comprised the subsections that output the explored variables. An ordinal scale was created to classify the organizational climate by dimensions and categories on the basis of the average obtained from the use of the instrument at institutions, that is, adequate: 6 or more, at risk: 4 to 5.9 and inadequate: below 4.
Conclusions: An instrument for the evaluation of the organizational climate in health was designed to guarantee an objective, reliable and valid measurement. This instrument adapts to the characteristics of the organizations in different settings. It is simple, easy-to-apply with easy answer possibilities that differentiate and contribute valuable information for the change management in health.
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