2017, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2017; 43 (1)
Barriers perceived by older adults in the community and health services
Rodríguez QT, Fabelo RJR, Iglesias MS
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 16-26
PDF size: 72.12 Kb.
Introduction: Cuba is currently one of the oldest nations in Latin America and the
Objective: To determine the barriers perceived by older adults in the community
and health services.
Methods: Qualitative-descriptive research study conducted in "Wilfredo Santana"
polyclinics located in Habana del Este municipality. The participants amounted to
526 who were organized in focal groups and semi-structured interviews were made
to older adults, physicians, formal community leaders and experts. The collected
information was subjected to a thematic content analysis.
Results: The different categories, concepts and suggestions allowed identifying the
barriers to the daily life of the studied older adults whereas physicians and
community leaders stated the existing technical and working difficulties.
Conclusions: The studied older adults perceive barriers such as unstable primary
health care services; difficulties to get access to public services or their absence
within the community; the inadequate architectural designs for the elderly
characteristics, limited recreational options, economic problems and social
indiscipline in general. The physicians and the community leaders consider overload
and excessive red tape as well as lack of specific preparation to take care of this
population sector as perceived barriers.
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