2017, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2017; 89 (1)
Family structure, pain and functional capacity in adolescents with rheumatic diseases
Martín CM, Cantera OD, Schuman BD
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 30-39
PDF size: 117.20 Kb.
Introduction: child rheumatic diseases may affect the quality of life of the sick
children and their relatives. There is evidence that the family functioning has a direct
impact on the children´s and adolescents´health.
Objective: to analyze the relationship of the family structure, pain and disability with rheumatic diseases.
Methods: correlational, descriptive, cross-sectional and exploratory study. The
sample was made up of 52 adolescents who went to the pediatric rheumatology
service of "Pedro Borrás" hospital. The information was collected with the Childhood
Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ) and structured interviews to the adolescent
and the accompanying relative.
Results: the one-factor variance analysis showed statistically significant differences between the family types for the pain intensity ranges reported by the adolescents (F= 3.892; p= .028) as well as in the functional capacity, particularly getting up (F= 4.278; p= .020) and fetching something (F= 3.447; p= .042), which were both
more affected in adolescents who live in one-parent families.
Conclusions: impaired functioning and pain are mainly observed in adolescents
suffering rheumatic diseases, who live in one-parent families.
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