2017, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2017; 89 (1)
Comparative evaluation between the non-HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in children and adolescents
Cuartas S, Pérez TM
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 20-29
PDF size: 159.50 Kb.
Introduction: non-HDL cholesterol (non-HDL) has been identified as a significant
predictor of the existence of atherosclerosis and persistent dyslipidemia.
Objective: to determine the prevalence of increased non-HDL cholesterol with
respect to the LDL cholesterol as well as their correlation with other lipid parameters
and to underscore the advantages of their use in pediatrics.
Methods: a retrospective observational study was conducted in private pediatric
physician´s offices for 15 years. Nine hundred and forty one patients were studied in
terms of age, sex, body mass index and lipid profile. The cutoff point for non-HDL
cholesterol was · 145 mg/dL, and for the LDL cholesterol · 130 mg/dL.
Results: the non-HDL cholesterol allowed detecting 26 patients (2.7 % higher)
among those with increased LDL cholesterol. Statistically significant differences for all
the analyzed risk factors were observed in the increased non-HDL cholesterol group,
more prevalent in females and in the three age groups (p ‹ 0.05).
Conclusions: the collected data support the proposal of using non-HDL cholesterol as
a parameter to identify patients with future cardiovascular risks because of its
simplicity and specificity; however, more studies are needed to establish its
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