2017, Number 05
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MediSan 2017; 21 (05)
Stem cells: a revolution in regenerative medicine
Quesada LL, León RCC, Fernández TS, Nicolau PE
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 574-581
PDF size: 427.16 Kb.
Advances in regenerative medicine have been evident in the last years and this has been obtained due to the new knowledge related to stem cells, which use in the replacement therapy has given rise to a new age in medicine. To such effects, a literature review was carried out aimed at spreading its generalities and implementations, as well as everything related to the basic investigations carried out in this field and the main achievements obtained. The possibility of expansion and differentiation of such cells, allow to obtain enough quantitiy of them, which helps the development of cell therapy.
Doss MX, Koehler CI, Gissel C, Hescheler J, Sachinidis A. Embryonic stem cells: a promising tool for cell replacement therapy. J Cell Mol Med. 2004;8(4):465-73.
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Doss M, Koehler CI, Gissel C, Hescheler J, Sachinidis A. Embryonic stem cells: a promising tool for cell replacement therapy. J Cell Mol Med. 2004;8(4):465-73.
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Brunt K, Weisel RD, Li RK. Stem cells and regenerative medicine future perspectives. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2012; 90: 327-35
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