2017, Number 05
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MediSan 2017; 21 (05)
Effectiveness of the AliviHo®-rheumatism in patients with arthrosis of the knee
Cala CL, Casas GS, Marín ÁT, Dunán CLK
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 565-573
PDF size: 530.30 Kb.
A cases and controls retrospective study of analytic observation was carried out in 42 patients with arthrosis of the knee who belonged to "José Martí Pérez" Teaching Polyclinic in Santiago de Cuba, from September, 2014 to June, 2015, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the homeopathic product AliviHo
®-rheumatism as coadjuvant treatment with the conventional therapeutic schedule based on non esteroids and analgesic anti-inflammatory drugs. In the statistical processing of the information, the percentage as a summary measure, the exact test of Fisher to determine whether this difference is significant or not, and the odds ratio, with 95% of confidence, were used. The favorable clinical course in most of the patients revealed the usefulness of this adjuvant therapy in the decrease of psychosomatic manifestations and in the extension of the referral periods of the disease; so that the effectiveness of the AliviHo
®-rheumatism was demonstrated to treat patients with arthrosis of the knee and to improve in this way their life quality.
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