2016, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología 2016; 42 (4)
Anomalies in the fetal heart disease
Corona CY, García GC, Savio BA, García MC, Hernández MY, García LW
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 570-578
PDF size: 180.41 Kb.
Introduction: Fetus heart is the most difficult viscera to be studied, due to the
fact that it is a moving organ with a complex anatomy and an important amount of
possible anomalies.
Objective: To provide the specialists devoted to the prenatal diagnose with a
review of the possible causes that modify the fetus heart size.
Methods: The heart size is evaluated from an echocardiographic image of its four
chambers, which is obtained in an ultrasonic ¨scanning¨ from the abdomen to the
thorax. When the size is normal, it occupies one third of the fetal thorax and the
cardiac circumference is roughly equal to half the thorax circumference throughout
the pregnancy.
Results: Heart size anomalies could be caused by a drop or an increase of the
cardiothoracic radius. It is very important to define whether the increase is due to a
global growth of the heart or to an affected atrial or ventricular cavity, or both. Size
decreases will always be connected to an intrathoracic compression.
Conclusions: Echocardiographic assessment of the fetal heart is possible in almost
all cases and provides a valuable element to the fetus prenatal testing.
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