2017, Number 2
The economic aspect in the ethical debate of the therapeutic effort adequateness
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 17-27
PDF size: 466.51 Kb.
We live in a complex time, where the accelerated dynamic of the production of the knowledge, the incessant development of the science and the technology are perceived with more clarity. Nowadays humanity has acquired new knowledge, values ethical and enough technological and scientific resources that used appropriately, they allow to go toward a new historical stage of justice and humanism, where the medical decisions keep in non-alone mind the scientific knowledge, even also both the human and the economic thing. We are not doubtful the efficient use of the available resources is also part of the professional competent practice in medicine. This article has as main objective to stand out the importance of including the economic aspect in the ethical debate of the medical practice.REFERENCES
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