2017, Number 2
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2017; 25 (2)
The social determinants of health, the case of nursing
Salcedo-Álvarez RA, Zárate-Grajales RA, González-Caamaño BC, Rivas-Herrera JC
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 139-144
PDF size: 257.08 Kb.
In nursing, their disciplinary theorists describe different approaches to caring for people always
using the metaparadigm, thus obtaining a theorized care perspective. In this sense the speeches
that institutionalize and sustain their practice usually deal on support, help, self-determination,
autonomy, comfort, care education, humanism, integrity, damage limitation, disease prevention
and/or health promotion. However, in daily practice it is shown that rather than taking preventive
actions that have as an intervention starting point social determinants of health to provide an
inclusive, transcultural and humanized care, most of the daily work done is based on actions that
in best-case scenario are for healing or for containing the disease, which is why in daily practice
prevention actions are tiny.
Finally, the adequacy of human, material and financial resources are the most important factor
to provide safe care; the suitability or lack of these is the combined result of the prevailing public
policies that favor or not a fair and inclusive health system and are also those that mostly impact
the national health reality.
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