2017, Number 1
Bruxism: a current panoramic
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 913-930
PDF size: 501.04 Kb.
Background: bruxism is a rending sign of the stomatognathic system for being an anesthetic mutilator which has a profound effect on the quality of life of the people who suffer from it.Objective: to present a current panorama of bruxism and the necessary information for a correct diagnosis and treatment with an interdisciplinary approach among the different health branches.
Methods: a bibliographic revision was carried out from January to July 2016, in the library of the Dentistry Faculty in Camagüey, where available printed bibliography was consulted (classic books, theses, magazines) besides the wide searching of published investigations in databases such as: Medline, Lilacs, Dialnet, Redalyc, Latindex, Hinari, Doyma, Biomed-UniNet, Ash online org, Index Copernicus, Science Direct, SciELO, with the descriptors: bruxism, dental occlusion, sleep bruxism, genetic, diagnosis, treatment. Articles in Spanish English, and Portuguese from the last five years were consulted. Among a total of 70 articles, only 47 were included.
Development: the result of the performed revision about the current panorama was presented. It includes the historical backgrounds of the health problem, concepts, epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis, signs and symptoms, classification and approaching of an integral treatment.
Conclusions: bruxism is a health problem that is beyond the different causes of the phenomena that take part in modern life. It is as old as the beginning of humanity. It was complex to define it within a concept, either as a habit, parafunction or parasomnia, with a high prevalence and incidence. It affects any sex and age. It is an expression of the oral, emotional and complex condition, of a multifactorial and contradictory etiology, variable treatment which has brought about the approaching and analysis in depth of the topic by many researchers.
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