2017, Number 1
Acompañamiento de Pares en la Práctica Clínica de Enfermería Como Estrategia para la Mejora del Cuidado de la Salud
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 20-25
PDF size: 294.54 Kb.
Nursing students make use of clinical practice to confront real scenarios of healthcare-bringing competence, and a strategy to achieve this is by peer modality. To support the beginning of the nurse-patient relationship in nursing students, and by this, improving the healthcare of patients during the clinical practice. This is a descriptive, transversal and prospective study, made with two nursing students groups (20 students each) from the Clinical Nursing I and II subject, studying third and fourth semester of Nursing School at University of Sonora. In both groups, the age ranges from 18 to 20 years old, the majority being female students. The grade point average previous to the practice was of 85 to 95 points. The initial test of diagnostic for both groups had a result below 50 points. Because of this, peer modality was implemented, and by the end of Clinic I, the average group grade was of 80 and 76.6 points; in Clinic II, the average group grade was also approbatory, above 80 points in both groups. Peer modality is an academic strategy that supports the introduction to healthcare and helps to improve the performance of nursing students in clinical practice.REFERENCES
4.- PERSONAL DOCENTE –Departamento de Enfermería. [Internet]. 2017. [Citado 31 marzo 2017]. Disponible en: http://www.enfermeria.unson.mx/?page_id_12 Universidad de Sonora. Plan de Estudios de la Licenciatura en Enfermería. Sonora, México. [Internet]. 2011. Recuperado de URL: http://www.enfermeria.uson.mx/?page_ id=10&Id_Nota=234}
8.- Mosca A, Santiviago C. Tutorías de estudiantes. Tutorías entre pares. Comisión Sectorial de Enseñanza. Programa de respaldo al aprendizaje. (2012). Argentina. [Internet]. 2017. [Citado 31 marzo 2017]. Disponible en: http://www.alfaguia.org/www-alfa/images/ponencias/ clabesII/LT_2/ponencia_completa_57-.pdf