2017, Number 2
Cancer of lung of cells not children: presentation of case
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 258-263
PDF size: 346.57 Kb.
Background: adenocarcinoma is the most frequently type of lung cancer in women and is non-smoker people. Adenocarcinoma developes slower, but tends to metastasize sooner and spreads widely. Only a few number of patients reachs cure.Objective: to present a clinical case of adenocarcinoma carries with big pulmonary cells.
Case clinical: a 58 years old male smoker patient is presented, paraneoplasics manifestations preceded that of the tumor properly, during more than seven months of valuation.
Conclusions: this case is presented don account of few curability refered in lung cancer, with favorable evolution and more than 2, 5 years of survivance after surgery, oncologic treatment and immunotherapy. A review of concerned literature in relation with clinical aspects, diagnosis and therapeutics about this tumor, lees frequently in male was presented.
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