2017, Number 2
Therapeutic response in patients with polycistic ovary syndrome
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 191-201
PDF size: 933.77 Kb.
Background: polycystic ovary syndrome is an heterogeneous disorder; it has been recognized as the main cause of infertility on women during reproductive ages.Objective: to determine the therapeutic response in patients suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome in Camaguey hospital "Manuel Ascunce Domenech" at endocrinology consultation from January 2013 to January 2015. Methods: an observational descriptive and longitudinal study was carried out. The universe was sample by all patients who were diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome. The data were processed by descriptive statistics.
Results: 66, 97 % of patients answered to the treatment and 70, 00 % of patients who had normoandrogenic type answered correctly too. After the treatment 55, 50 % of patients continuous with ovary volume higher than 13 mL.
Conclusions: the most important variation were to reduce blood levels of testosterone and to increase blood levels of progesterone. The therapeutic combination more used was hygienic-dietetic changes plus metformina.
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