2017, Number 2
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Rev Mex Ortodon 2017; 5 (2)
Orthodontic surgical management of a skeletal class III patient with laterognathia
Huízar-González IG, García-López E, Orozco-Partida J, Ramírez-Aguilar M
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 100-106
PDF size: 600.67 Kb.
This is a case report of a 17-year-old male patient, with previous
orthodontic treatment, who was admitted to the orthodontics clinic
for the correction of a skeletal class III malocclusion (Wits -11 mm)
due to a combination of maxillary hypoplasia and prognathism
that was aggravated by an excessive unilateral laterognathia
by excessive unilateral mandibular growth. Dentally the patient
presented a class III molar and canine relationship, anterior and
bilateral posterior cross bite, and upper and lower crowding, lower
midline deviation of 7 mm o the right. Treatment goals were:
improve the facial profile, establish a molar class I, canine class
I, to achieve an adequate anterior guidance (overjet, overbite)
and dental arch coordination. The treatment was performed in
three phases: A) presurgical orthodontic phase: alignment and
leveling, dental decompensation, correction of the curve of Spee,
and coordination of the upper and lower arches. B) Surgical
phase: 2 mm maxillary impaction and advancement of 5 mm; 7
mm mandibular retroposition with Dal Pont technique and a 4
mm advancement genioplasty to improve facial aesthetics. C)
Postsurgical phase: detailing and settling of the occlusion, final
upper and lower arch correlation. The treatment was fi nished in a
period of two years with a successful outcome.
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