2017, Number 1
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Mul Med 2017; 21 (1)
Violence against women in emergency service from Sayaxche Hospital. Guatemala
Ríos ZSM, Cendán RM, Oliva PT, La O VI, Paneque GMR
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 144-154
PDF size: 209.31 Kb.
A descriptive study was carried out in 42 women victims of marital violence assisted in the emergency service in the local Hospital of Sayaxche department of Peten in Guatemala, in the period of January to October 2015 with the objective of characterizing the forced females, who went to the emergency service to be assisted according to variables of interest for the investigation. It was selected as universe and sample the 42 females assisted for being victims of violence. The information was obtained from the surveys and the individual clinical histories, from where data were obtained that served for the making of a questionnaire with the study variables: manifestations of violence who suffer these women, age, ethnic group, origin, denounced cases to the public ministry. Qualitative and quantitative techniques of the scientific investigation were used, structured clinical interviews, in form of questionnaire, elaborated by the authors, which was evaluated by a group of experts using the statistical method of
Kappa. Coming to the following conclusions: the psychological violence prevailed in 100% of the cases. The affected age group was that of 30-39 years. The ethnic group victim of violence was the mixed race population. The patients of rural origin were the most forced ones and 24 cases were denounced to the court.
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