2017, Number 1
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Mul Med 2017; 21 (1)
Sexually transmitted diseases and Medicine students
Céspedes GLR, Pupo CY, Céspedes GMP, Ramírez CRA, Ballester RRF
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 70-85
PDF size: 268.97 Kb.
We present the results of the first stage of an intervention study that was carried out through anonymous surveys, with the characterization of a sample selected randomly, from 33 medical students of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Granma (12 second-year-students and 21 third-year-students), in aspects concerning the knowledge and prevention of sexually transmitted infections. Although the sample was not representative, what is expressed by the respondents reflects that despite the curricular contents received and the actions that are carried out in this way, they have a low level of knowledge about STIs, low risk perception and behavior about sexual responsibility that makes them susceptible to contracting these infections. From the professional point of view, they do not yet have the tools to act as health promoters in their community. For this reason, an action plan is designed whose implementation will solve the insufficiencies detected in students and transform them into agents of change in their community.
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