2017, Number 04
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MediSan 2017; 21 (04)
Variations of the International Standard Ratio in complicated patients with valve prosthesis
Rodríguez BS, Durañones GS, Castillo MJM, Romero GLI, Gondres LKM
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 440-447
PDF size: 1016.60 Kb.
An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study of 51 patients with valve prosthesis was carried out. They were admitted to the Cardiology Center of “Saturnino Lora Torres” Teaching Clinical Surgical Provincial Hospital due to valve thrombosis or bleeding episodes, from January, 2012 to December, 2014, with the purpose of estimating the variations in the International Standard Ratio values and their association with these events. The chi-square test was carried out. Those patients affected with valve thrombosis (60.4%) and International Standard Ratio under 2.5 were predominant; while the latter in bleedings was over 3.5. The patients with more than one associated risk factor presented higher quantity of thrombosis episodes; events that had less incidence when warfarin and aspirin were included in the treatment.
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